I am a passionate herpetologist with strong interests in reptilian research and conservation. I have advanced field skills and experience in research and monitoring on Western Indian Ocean islands. I am able to think critically and evaluate evidence and arguments, and to conduct high quality research. I am an expert in in–situ and ex–situ captive breeding of reptiles including rearing of threatened Mascarene species. My goal is to apply sound science to achieve the best outcome for the protection of reptiles and their native habitats.
I have had a lifelong interest in reptiles and their conservation, which is why I decided to study a BSc in Biology. This provided me with a comprehensive understanding of terrestrial ecology, plant–animal interactions, co–evolution and herpetology in general. But it was my MSc course in Biology and Ecology which provided me with opportunities to expand my knowledge and experience in herpetological research. I have acquired skills in fieldwork planning, rigorous data collection and applying standardised methodologies for reptile monitoring.
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